Saturday, May 3, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog that is the question. Obviously, I gave up blogging after spring break. One of the things about me is that I am ridiculously inconsistent. I change my mind a lot. I never stick to one thing. But I like to think of it as just me being open to everything. I told everyone to keep blogging and to never stop when I was the first one to stop.
Speaking of changing my mind, I am not sure if I want to go into psychology anymore. Here is why. On Friday, I went to an interview at the Drug Enforcement Administration in San Francisco, where I will be working over the summer. The laboratory director said that I will start out with either volunteering or the student aid program. Since this is a science place, I asked if there was anything psychology related here. He said no. The lab is strictly chemistry. He said that majoring in psychology entails the necessities of majoring in other stuff. For example, psychology requires that I must go into a counseling or teaching course. In the end, I will have to major in psychology AND teaching. It is a long process.
The greatest catch today was that if I continue working at the DEA as a student, in the future, I am GUARANTEED a job when I am older and out of college. Basically, if I stay with the DEA, my job in the future is set. However, I am not sure if I want to go into chemistry. But if I do, my life in the future is pretty much already wrapped in a box and tied with a purple ribbon. While taking the tour in the lab, I found it is pretty interesting because I analyze items recovered from crime scenes and stuff.
So the question is not "to blog or not to blog," but rather: to have a job that I love, or a job that will make life easier. I have always told myself to find a job that I love and would do for free, But now I am not sure. Jasmine the chemist or Jasmine the psychiatrist/teacher/counselor? Have a nice day!