Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bean Sprout

As self-degrading or pathetic as this sounds, I am short. I would not mind sprouting several inches or so. Recently, my mom read in her newspaper that this girl stretched before she went to sleep, and she grew several inches over the years. I have a glimmer of hope!
As a whole, I am generally fine with my height. The thing is that I am not disappointed or disgusted with my height, but it would be nice to be a bit taller. I guess I would rather be compact than be an Amazon woman. It leads me to wonder: How important are looks? As much of a conformist as I sound, physically pleasing individuals have a better chance of getting further in life. It is not true in all cases. I know, I sound ridiculously superficial, but that is just what I have noticed. Would you ever dare leaving your house without a glimpse of the mirror first? But then again, everyone has their own definition of beauty. It is one of those subjective things. Most people are very touchy when it comes to the topic of appearance because everyone has their flaws. Most people would forget if someone called them mean, but if they were called ugly, it would stain like fire on paper. So, how important are looks to you? Have a nice day!


I think this is a lovely verse. It is aimed for women, but it can be equally applied to men.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31: 30


Justin Li said...

Don't worry, Jasmine! Short is the new cool! I am fine with the way my body is, if it is short, so be it. Maybe a late growth spurt will happen, who knows. Regarding looks, as long as I don't look like a wreck out of the house, im cool with it.

rosannagurl said...

i really like your posts. they are really thought-provoking and interesting.
i think that although people don't want to admit it, looks are pretty important.

Justin Li said...

Yeah, even for guys it is important, but to me, i value looks more for other people. AKA, I am looking "good" for other people who look at me, not myself, which is why I don't value it that highly.

rosannagurl said...
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rosannagurl said...

yeah, i agree justin. i think that we more care about what others think about us when we see them. sometimes i would rather leave my house looking like a mess, but i care too much about what other people will think.

Melissa Yam said...

This morning, after pressing snooze button a trillion times, and after my contacts wouldn't go in properly, I just wanted to screw my appearance. Like who could care less how I look? But then again, why take the chance? It's only an extra 1/2 hour each morning to look decent lol. omgosh. if only i couldn't care less.

idontlikeyou said...

I care how people look at me but then when i look at people i don't care that much about them.

david said...

Humanly, we are just attracted to good looking people. Looks are important but definitely not what we should waste our time focusing on. Looks have to do with your character though. Keeping yourself nice says a lot about you. Maybe I mean hygiene rather than looks, but the two go hand in hand.

You look great, Melissa.

Candice Lui said...

Same as you, I'm okay with my height, I just think of being short as something unique? But what i just cannot stand is getting teased about being short more than others who are just as short.

Candice Lui said...

haha Ducky and Stan as friends -really adorable. But that won't happen yet.