Friday, March 28, 2008


Isn't "ponderment" such a rad word? Anyway, for my fellow bloggers: Is it repetitive to have a blog AND a diary? I mean, is it tedious to write in a blog and a diary? But I guess a diary is more personal than a blog where the whole universe can read and stalk you. Seriously, I strongly encourage people to have diaries. It is truly amazing to see how much you have grown in the past years. I was reading my diaries from a long time ago and, boy, were they disgusting and annoying. I also think its interesing to think how much I have grown from that time, but in actuality, I still have a long way to go. Hopefully a long way at least. I want to write in my diary more. And plus, it is hilarious and quite entertaining to see what I wrote. Cliche, cliche but it is a good experience. Have a nice day!


Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord. Proverbs 23:17


Candice Lui said...

you know you have very interesting thoughts. i think i threw away my diary from when i was little cuz i thought it was so embarassing.

Melissa Yam said...

what were we thinking back then.
maturing, yes we are, i hope so

rosannagurl said...

yeah, it is so weird to look back on old diary entries. it is nice to see that we have changed. i can't wait until we look back at these entries and realize how much we have grown.