Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Post

It is spring break and I am supposed to be writing a report on Sigmund Freud. I was distracted and made a blog. Maybe if I do more research, I will find out what makes a mind become distracted and wander. Basically, I made a blog so I can have a place to record my thoughts. Won't it be interesting to read this blog years and years from now and see how I was? Interesting, interesting. Well, I should get back to my report and watch Oprah later at 4:00.

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips." Proverbs 24:26

Fun fact: According to Freud, sexual thoughts are the types of thoughts that most people try to repress (forget).


rosannagurl said...

hey jasmine!
this is actually pretty cool to have because it is gonna help us to remember all the fun times that we have. i think it will be really fun to look over this later on and remember how much fun we had!

Candice Lui said...

ello Jasi-mun.
Thanks for introducing me to this blogger thing...I've become such a "conformist" haha. We'll comment each other like crazy!!

Justin Li said...

wow jasmine you are starting the new myspace/facebook/xanga >:o!! haha. i hope you finish your essay..i know i need help with my procrastination. oh well, hope to seeya lata. LOVE MY NAME EH?