Saturday, March 29, 2008

Brains and Doors

So, for now, I think I want to go into the field of psychology. I am currently fascinated with the topic of the human mind. After doing a paper on Freud, I am interested in furthering my study in psychology. I have always loved observing people and their behavior, so I am considering on observing people as an occupation. I was also debating whether I should become a therapist or a psychiatrist. Obviously, I have a long way to go because I do not even know the difference between the two. I am particularly interested in helping kids. However, I am kind of scared of being involved in such a touchy topic. I am also afraid of my patients becoming murderers and killing me. But who knows. I recently got over my phase of zoology. Wouldn't it be awesome to be a musician? A relaxed musician, that is. I would love to be able to compose a song with my mind and fingertips. I hope to one day compose a song and play it for whoever wants to listen. I wonder what other doors will open to me. I mean, I never imagined that I would one day be interested in brains. Have a nice day!



rosannagurl said...

wow, you have so many interests. maybe you could combine them and major in musical therapy for kids or something. lol.
i would definitely love to hear the song you composed with your mind and fingertips. haha.

david said...

I found your (you, Justin, Rosanna, Melissa) blogs through Justin. Wow, you have the same interests as me. I was considering psychology, and I want to be a musician. Maybe an internet entrepreneur starting up something like Youtube or Myspace to rake in $$$!! ... or stick to typical Asian path: become engineer. I'm lost.

Justin Li said...

WOW JASMINE AND DAVID..haha i have been interested in the field of psychology for a while already. Like you I just like observing things, how they work; the human mind is an interesting thing to study. I probably will be taking AP Psychology senior year, so let's see how that goes.

Melissa Yam said...

So ambitious, I'm jealous. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life, and when people ask me "interests?"...uum sleep? You'll be a very fun theraphyschologist (no idea what difference is either). I'd see you! lol And maybe you can write music between sessions...and play it to confused patients like me as therapy treatment.